Friday Apr 21, 2023

”What I Need is a Friend”: Lindsay Szper of Culture Without Borders (Part 1)

Lindsay Szper and her pals believe the best way to learn language is through friendship. Modo di Bere agrees! Lindsay is a language teacher and a language learner by vocation. She’s studying language pedagogy at The New School and working on a masters in Oral History at Columbia. In this deep, funny, sweet and smart interview, Lindsay tells Rose Thomas about the community-based language school she started with her friends. She also shares stories about her remarkably multilingual grandparents, the playground "exam" for the language Lindsay invented as a child, and tons of incredibly encouraging advice for acquiring--no, developing!--new language skills. Stay tuned for the second part of the interview!

To find out more about Culture Without Borders and to learn about their events in the New York City Area, you can get in touch with Lindsay at

This is the book Lindsay mentioned: Rethinking Oral History and Tradition by Nepia Mahuika
Here is a YouTube video featuring the language scholar Dianne Larson Freeman, and a paper that she wrote about language learning
One of the friends Lindsay mentions, Reina, advises studying language through media about a topic that is fun for you. Reina is a small business owner in New York City, check out Reina's Cleaning Services LLC.

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Puoi ascoltare questa intervista in italiano! Cerca Modo di Bere Italiano ovunque ascolti i podcast.
Music composed by Ersilia Prosperi for the band Ou:
Audio recorded and edited by Rose Thomas Bannister with assistance from Steve Silverstein.

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